In United States, people will sue each other over anything nowadays. In states that are more…
Potholes and Uneven Pavement Surfaces are a Liability
Potholes and uneven pavement surfaces cause pedestrian accidents, as well as motorcycle and bicycle crashes that could…
Thinking about Speed Bumps?
Speed bumps and speed humps can help slow traffic speed, decrease traffic and increase safety in both residential…
Why you should seal coat your asphalt this Spring
Asphalt is affected by both natural and man-made elements, such as ultraviolet rays, moisture, oil and anti-freeze.…
DIY: Pothole Repair
Potholes form when the pavement deteriorates and loose material separates from the rest of the road…
Hot-mix Vs. Cold-patch Asphalt
Why don’t people do their own asphalt repairs if asphalt is available in home improvement centers?…
Why Potholes are “Springing” Up
With spring starting yesterday and the rainy season well underway, potholes are beginning to pop up…
Safe Pavement
Asphalt paving jobs require a lot of coordination to operate safely. Accidents are the nature of…